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Employee Scheduling

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Never lose control of your employee schedule again

Employee scheduling

Ariadne can precisely forecast the number of visitors to a retail store for every product area, every hour of the day, for an entire week. It takes into consideration historical data, events, special days, and weather patterns.

Using this data, Ariadne adjusts employee presence during forecasted peak times without violating legal regulations or contractual agreements. Ariadne enables retailers to schedule employees not only during hours of high expected visitation.


Furthermore Ariadne enables you to assign specific tasks to employees during their working hours. This enables you to manage working hours and associated tasks efficiently, since tasks related to customer service are always prioritized to be scheduled during the anticipated peak times

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Lost Sales

Thanks to Ariadne's employee insights, you can now monitor lost opportunities due to poor employee schedule for every hour of the day and every day of the week.

This is thanks to the optimal schedule that Ariadne produced, and it is tuned to maximize the conversion rate of every product area. Specifically, Ariadne enables you to identify every single hour in your employee schedule where and when an opportunity might occur.

Optimizing Employee Efficiency

Ariadne's employee insights enables you to identify the ideal ratio between visitors that every employee a can serve and the conversion rate of the every product area they might be.

More specifically, Ariadne audits the quality of the a provided schedule, by examining the ratio between visitors and employees. For example, if a product area has 4 visitors during a specific hour and the manager has scheduled 2 employees in the same product area at the same time, the employee to visitor ratio is 4/2 = 2.

This ratio is then compared to the conversion rate of the specific product, which is calculated by comparing the number of visitors to the number of buyers. For example, if a product is visited by 4 people and only 1 person buys it, the conversion rate is 1/4 = 25%.

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when a product can be self-served



what effect employees can make on selling a product



the skill of the employees on converting

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