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Shopping Centers

Ariadne enables shopping centers to recoup 20% to 35% of the revenue lost to E-commerce in 5 steps!

Ariadne enables shopping centers to quantify all crucial KPIs, such as:

  • Passerby: The number of people that pass by every store
  • Footfall: The number of people who enter the stores
  • Return rate: How often people return to the shopping Center

Identify Personas

But most important of all, Ariadne enables Shopping Centers to identify personas.

This is achieved by monitoring preferred paths that people like to move inside a center. For example, this lady during her stay at the center combines stores that sell formal shoes, women's fashion, sports clothes, and beauty products. On the other hand, this gentleman prefers to combine stores related to underwear, formal shoes, pharmacy, and supplement stores.

In this way, the center always knows how to better serve their visitors, and most importantly how to place and fuse their retail stores.

Ultimate visual merchandising utilization

Ultimate visual merchandising utilization.

Because Ariadne can identify personas, we enable you to dynamically select the content displayed on marketing signage, in real-time.

Furthermore, Ariadne can measure the success of these advertisements in redirecting traffic and optimize them accordingly.

The shopping center can now benefit by up to a 500% increase in marketing-generated revenue since their marketing media is now utilized similarly to online digital media, where advertisements are sold based on impressions, and not the surface they occupy, as it is done today.

Indoor Navigation

Indoor Navigation

Enhance the shopping experience by providing visitors with intuitive indoor navigation. Help them find stores, restrooms, dining areas, and other amenities quickly and easily. Ariadne's indoor navigation solution offers real-time guidance and personalized recommendations, improving visitor satisfaction and encouraging longer stays.

Real-Time Visitor Marketing

Real-Time Visitor Marketing

Because the campaigns are better targeted, their conversion rate is increased from 3% before to 30% after using Ariadne.

This enables the center to invest in and execute their own campaigns, requesting visitors to join their newsletter.

The shopping center can now communicate with visitors both when they are in the mall and at home.

The shopping center can lease their marketing space to retailers who pay a subscription to communicate with visitors the moment they pass by their store.

Visitor news-letter marketing

Visitor Newsletter Marketing

The shopping center can communicate personalized campaigns to the visitors, even when they are at home.

This enables the center to generate referral revenue from online purchases.

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