How Can I Use The Heatmap of My Retail Store?
3 min read

How Can I Use The Heatmap of My Retail Store?

In the wake of a digital growth surge, this article offers insights into how retailers can leverage heatmaps to understand customer behavior and enhance profitability. These intuitive graphical representations highlight customer movement and preferences within a store, aiding in identifying under-visited areas and staff allocation. Using heatmaps, retailers can experiment with product placement and store layouts, eliminate 'dead zones', and enhance customer satisfaction. Furthermore, they can revisit strategies based on heatmap results, fostering a continuous improvement cycle.

How Can I Use The Heatmap of My Retail Store?

One of the most important tools to understand customer behaviour is the heatmap of your stores. The covid pandemic has spurred digital growth, and retailers must use every technique at their disposal to boost their diminishing profitability and remain competitive.

What is a Heatmap?

A heatmap is a graph in which complex data is broken down into intuitive images, with data variance represented by changes in colour intensity (see the image below).

Usually, the red colour code indicates a high crowded region whereas green is the lowest crowded region.

What does a heatmap indicate?

The heatmap illustrates how clients march around and in your store. It reveals which sections your consumers prefer to visit, which they avoid, and which they return to time to time again.

Now let's address the elephant in the room: How can I use heat efficiently to improve my profits?

Identify how your customers navigate

It is critical for a retailer to fully understand how their clients navigate through their store to increase customer satisfaction and get the most return. A series of questions are answered by the heat map:

-What places aren't being frequented, and how can I make the region more appealing? -What happens when I put my best product in a location where customers rarely go? -Are my best employees working in the busiest location? -Experiment in your stores -Will putting the least often purchased items in the busiest location enhance sales? -Heatmaps let you visualize the results of your experiment and strategize more effectively.

Experiment in your store

Heatmaps let you visualize the results of your experiment and strategize more effectively.

Is it logical that changing the store's layout will increase sales?

Is it true that placing my best-selling product in a rarely visited region will boost the number of visitors to that area?

Remove the dead zones Remember that the sections that your customers do not visit are a financial burden for you. Using heatmaps, you can pinpoint certain regions and act. Is there any reason why customers aren't visiting the location, and is there anything preventing them from being there?

Improve the Customer Satisfaction and Customer Experience Capturing the attention span of clients is a necessity of the hour. Retailers may accomplish this by marketing and enhancing the consumer experience: understand where your customers frequently stroll and employ more staff in the busiest areas. With Ariadne, you can visualise the heat in real time. When waiting times exceeds a threshold and more people queue at the counters, open new counters right away to serve your consumers. You can use Ariadne's cost-effective Alert System to save resources and increase customer satisfaction.

There are some other limitations with the heatmap which we would like to highlight:

It is not an automization tool; it simply visualizes how successful your areas/products/strategies are. Only when store managers understand the value and utility of heat, will they be able to take advantage of the analysis. Our experts in-house will be happy to guide you on how to make the best use of the heatmap tool. We’ll crack the code just now and create a summary. This is a process, and we will explain it steps by steps.

-Create a plan/strategy to follow -Execute the strategy -Evaluate the outcome with the heatmaps -Investigate the discrepancy between your expectations and the actual outcome -Re-strategize and go through the procedure again Do you want to track and analyze your audiences accurately in real-time without violating GDPR? Click here to book an appointment with us and get a one-month free subscription.


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